Friday, May 7, 2010

Conquering Roan!

Day 25 - 5/6/10
Man what a day. Great weather for most of it, sunny skies but with
ample cloud coverage for shade, nice breezes all day to help you stay
cool and keep bugs away. There were some hot sections, but nothing
like yesterday. Ideal hiking weather yet again.

I woke up early and made it out of camp by 7:30. I was shooting for at
least a 20, but Not Worthy had to slow down because he's leaving the
trail soon (he's a sectioner) and he'd get to his destination too
early if he kept doing such big miles, so we had to say goodbye.
Farewells are always a bit sad on the trail, and I really enjoyed
hiking with him, but that's the way of it out here. People always
coming and going.

The morning was great hiking, I felt really good and energized. And I
finally came across the infamous Loon. I've been seeing his journal
posts since I started. They are very noticeable because he's always
draws a giant loon head after each entry. Loon is a good name for this
guy because 1. He's from Minnesota and they have many a loon, 2. He's
crazy, loony tunes like. But he was a great person to talk to on the
trail. Every year there's this thing in Damascus called "Trail Days"
and it's like a 3 day party for hikers and stuff. He was telling me
there's even a parade and every year he goes to the local thrift shop
and buys a dress to wear in it. This guy was at least 65 too. Yet
another character.

I parted ways with him at Greasy Creek Gap, a place where you can go a
half mile down this dirt road to a hostel and also get lunch, like
burgers and stuff. Loon actually offered me a couple bucks so I could
get one, but I declined because I wanted to keep moving. Very nice of
him though. Two miles later I hit the first shelter, and then the day
became really hard after that. There was a pretty steep section before
you start to climb up Roan mountain, but it didn't even compare to how
tough Roan was. Today's climb up that thing was probably my hardest in
several weeks, maybe the whole trip. It was 3+ miles of incredibly
steep, rocky climbing. When I finally summitted Roan I could have
easily called it a day, but I wanted to do that 20 so I kept going. I
ended up doing a 22.3 again, tying for my longest day. I've realized
that what's tough about a long day isn't the distance, but the length
of time it takes. So if I did 30 in the same amount of time, I think I
would have felt pretty much the same. We'll see if my theory is true.

Anyway, 22.3 brought me to Overmountain shelter, this really cool old
abandoned barn off the trail. It can hold up to 20 people! I made a
great dinner when I got there. I had rice with tuna, but also added
ramps, also known as wild leeks. They were growing everywhere, so
another hiker named Animal showed me what they were and I grabbed a
bunch. They're like a mix between onions and garlic. Awesome. And I
used the olive oil that was mixed with the tuna as a substitute for
the butter that the rice recipe asks for. It all worked out perfectly
and tasted amazing too. I was starving after going through such a
tough day so it really hit the spot.

Before I call it a night I wanted to give a shout out and
congratulations to my cousin Kari and my friend Big C who are both
graduating from Northeastern in a few days. Wish I could be there to
partake in the celebrations. Uncle G I'm pretty sure they've met, am I
right guys? And one last thing, the beard is still fully intact Big C,
almost a month strong now. Maybe by the end I will rival Jim Kothe's.

Total miles: 379.2


  1. Another day of perfect hiking weather?! I hope Mother Nature doesn't try to get even with you and give you horrible weather later on. You've been so lucky! You've been doing some really great miles yet again! That's sad that Not Worthy is leaving, hopefully you got some contact info for him so you can keep in touch. I think I've found the perfect Halloween costume, wait till you see, I hope you agree. Keep putting in those impressive miles so before we both know it you'll be in Damascus! Love, Jen

  2. Hey Dan! Another stellar day both in terms of hiking weather and mileage! Too bad about Not worthy leaving, but I'm sure you'll keep seeing some of the others you've met already, and meet new, interesting hikers. In that vein, I hope Markus is okay and your paths meet up again soon. Got a card (Mother's Day) from Jen (Thanks Sweetie!) with a note that it might be best to get in contact with your Mom regarding mail drops. Jen provided me with her address so I'll do that. As I said, I'm sure she has it all under control, but its nice to be in contact with her, anyway. Can't believe you're on day 25 already. Time has been flying by - before we know it, you'll be in the MA area! Keep on truckin', keep enjoying the scenery and companionships, keep sharing it with us, and most importantly, keep safe! Aloha, Paul and Judy.

  3. Hi Dan.........good to hear you got past Roan Mt. I read that they have some pretty tough thunderstorms up there at times so I was glad to hear the weather was good. Great mileage for a tough mountain day. Sad to hear Not Worthy is gone. Sure hope you hear from Markus soon. (Thanks Judy for thinking of doing a mail drop for Dan. He has no preplanned mail drops. When he knows where he'll be landing in a weeks time he will usually give me a call and an address for the drop. He is at least all set for a couple weeks I think because he'll be picking up a mail drop from me in Damascus. Also, just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful support you've given Dan. I know how much he appreciates it. Give our regards to Paul.) SO Happy Trails Dan. Will you be in Damascus during the celebrations?

  4. Ramps! Those are delicious. The restaurant I am working at now is using them on everything... not to mention they are incredibly expensive! Like $14 a pound. Over mountain is awesome, it used to be a camp during the civil war.
