Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No pain. No rain. No Maine.

Day 40 - 5/24/10
That was my mantra today. I'd say it to myself during the heavy rain.
I'd say it to myself after slipping and falling on rocks, which I did
twice. I'd say it to myself even during the easy parts. You can't
avoid the negative things and expect to make it all the way. So when
they happen you just push on, and keep putting in those miles.

I was on the trail by 8, and did a fast 4 miles to the first shelter.
I instantly took off my shoes and wrung out my socks and insoles, and
was amazed by how much water came out. They were still completely
waterlogged from the downpour I hiked through yesterday. After a few
minutes a hard rainfall came through, so I was happy to be sitting
inside the dry shelter. Pretty soon a lot of people started rolling
in, and we all took a long break, waiting out the weather. It was that
kind of day. I was there for almost an hour before I left. Fairly soon
after that is when I took my second fall, the worse of the two. My
foot slipped on a large rock, and I fell hard, hitting my leg, arm,
and ribs against some other smaller rocks. I groaned, slowly stood up,
and made sure everything could move alright. No broken bones, so I
kept moving, figuring it's better to keep my muscles warm instead of
stopping for a break.

I'm glad I didn't stop because I made it to the second shelter at
3:10. Right after that came another hard downpour, so I'd gotten to
the shelter just in time. Very lucky with that today. I ended up
staying there almost an hour and a 1/2, unsure if I wanted to put my
bruised body through another 6 miles to the next shelter. I was just
about to call it a day when the weather finally started to clear up a
bit. I decided to take advantage of it and hit the trail again at
4:45. There was a really steep climb out of that shelter, but my long
break had done me well, so I powered through it. A nice bonus was some
trail magic halfway up the mountain. A green cooler with some cokes
and bakery sweets in it.

I made it up to the ridgeline, and it started to rain again. No big
deal though, by now I was used to the feeling of being wet. The rest
of the hiking from there was easy, and I got in to Laurel Creek
shelter at 7:30. 1 guy was here, , someone I hadn't met before.
He's cool and we chatted while I cooked. Made mashers with bacon bits.
Very good after a wet day. I expected some of the other guys who
showed up at the last shelter to make it here, but it's close to 10 so
I guess they're camping somewhere up the mountain. Probably see them
tomorrow. I'm very happy with doing an 18+, especially after taking a
couple hard falls. I just hope my body doesn't ache in the morning
because of it.

NOTE: Been having no service lately, so I made two posts today. Please
enjoy both.

Total miles: 664.2


  1. It was so good to hear from you. I know there are places with no cell phone service and I keep waiting with anticipation for your next blog. It is awesome what you are learning about yourself on the AT. Focusing on the positive is the only way to live your life. Anything other than that is just a waste of time and valuable energy. I pray that it lives on with you for all your days to come! You know, you really can't truly enjoy the great things in your life without knowing what pain is like. It gives you a valuable perspective to compare everything. Keep on learning every mile...every step. Love you Dan............Mom

  2. Hey bro!! Had a great din tonight with bri, Lauren Austin, Trena, nurm, Ashley Lewis and her bf. Ashley asked how u were soon I told her what u were doing and everyone at dinner thought that was just amazing and couldn't believe u are doing such a thing. Lewis lives in Alaska as a nurse and her bf actaully is a flight nurse like Jeremy. He was really nice and was saying how he thought it was so cool u were doing this and how he always has wanted to himself. He mentioned two book titles that said u would really enjoy to read at someepoint... Not sure If u have already but the first is called The Last American Man and I think the other was Dharma Ends or sow
    thin like that.... Everyone is amaze at what u have accomplished keep ip the great work bro!!! Love sis

  3. I hope your fall wasn't too bad and that you aren't sore tomorrow. I can't imagine hiking day after day in the rain, kudos to you! My countdown widget is chugging along, everyday it is less and less! I miss you Monk, keep up with the incredible work you've been doing and we'll see each other before we know it!
