Sunday, May 30, 2010

Suds and swimming.

Day 45 - 5/29/10
I didn't get much sleep, but not because weather. It actually didn't
rain again after that crazy storm. No, it was the birds that were
keeping me up, whip-er-wills (sp?) to be exact. There was one, I swear
it had to be on speed or something it was making its calls so rapidly.
I've never heard one like that before. I ended up putting in my
earplugs, which helped a little bit.

I made it out at 8, and had a very pleasant morning hike. The terrain
was not too difficult, and the temperature stayed cool for a very long
time. It seemed as though the sun was having a tough time breaking
through the fog, finally doing so well into the afternoon. One other
neat thing about my morning is I saw many red salamanders, all smaller
than 2 inches. I had seen one a few days ago, but didn't get a
picture. Today it was easy because there were so many. Homebrew said
they were red salamanders, but they really look orangish with even
darker orange spots along their back.

A few miles into my hike the AT started intermittently crossing the
Blue Ridge Parkway, a 100-mile scenic drive through VA. I imagine it
would be a very fun trip to do in a day, with lots of great viewspots.
After crossing it at one point, I get off the road and back in the
woods, and there leaning against a tree are three bottled beers. I
grabbed one, planning to drink it later that day with my dinner. Trail
magic yet again!

I made it to the first shelter at 11, but didn't go check it out
because it's off the trail. I just sat down on a nearby rock and had
some snacks. After I was good I moved on, and the day progressed much
as it already had. No real tough ups, not any steep downs, just little
dips and falls here and there. The next shelter came at 2, so I
stopped in for a late lunch. In the shelter register many people were
commenting about a hiker feed happening today and tomorrow at mile
761. It sounded awesome, but I wouldn't be able to make it today. Too
far. But tomorrow I should be going through there right on time, so
I'll be getting a big dose of trail magic. Can't wait for that!

I left the shelter and planned on taking a dip at this swimming hole
that would be coming up in 3 miles. When I got there I saw Patch and a
few other hikers hanging out with a case of beer by the creek. I
stopped and met the new guys, and since they were having beers I
decided I'd have mine, but I put it in the water to chill for a few
minutes. While I waited I swam, and boy did it feel good. It was
really refreshing, especially since the heat had kicked in. After my
dip I joined the guys and had my beer, but then one turned into three,
and before I knew it they were going into town for another case. I
stuck around and made dinner, but when they came back I headed out
because I wanted to make the next shelter before dark. I made it at
7:40 and quickly got things in order. I ended up setting up my tent
and putting it in the shelter because there's tons of gnats here. Plus
these strange white bugs that jump, almost like fleas. I'm a little
uncomfortable to say the least. But I have the hiker feed to look
forward too, plus my poison ivy seems to be improving. The urge to
itch is lessening. Hope it clears up in the next few days. All in all
it's been another pleasant day on the AT.

Total miles: 751.1


  1. Glad ur enjoying ur trek ANd got to go for a dip that musta felt great! Just caught up on last five entries now I'm ready for more!!! Peace out coonkitty

  2. Getting to go for a swim sounds awesome, watch out for those snapping turtles! Remind me to tell you about a dream I had about you last night, it's kinda funny. Well, enjoy your trail magic lunch today! Love you!

  3. Hi Dan, Sounds like you're outrunning/out hiking the rain. Good that you've managed to stay dry. Also good to hear that your poison ivy is getting better. Great to continue to hear of the trail magic you've been getting. So many good people out there! I love hearing of all the wildlife you're coming across. Of course, I like knowing that the more dangerous ones are being spotted at a safe distance - bears, especially. We had a black bear caught in the neighborhood last week. I'm talking about the street over in Worcester. I heard about it and ran over there to see. They already had him tranquilized and into the truck, but unfortunately I read in the papers that he died that day, before they could relocate him. He was a juvenile, and they didn't know why he died. Too bad! Anyway, keep on truckin', keep those posts coming, stay safe, and keep enjoying it all. Aloha, P&J.
