Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The most challenging--

Day 16 - 4/26/10
Long day. Not the most fun. It rained for more than half of the 20.3 miles I hiked today.

I woke up and my tent was wet. Inside and out. I didn't really have any other option than to roll it up wet and put it in my pack. I may be able to air it out tomorrow at Standing Bear. I started around 7:30 and made it to the first shelter (7+ miles) at 11:15. It was a really nice leisurely morning, taking my time and more breaks than normal. I wish I hadn't. As soon as I started toward the second shelter it began pouring, and then continued to do so the rest of the day.

Fog and smoke made for no visibility and no views all day. I just trudged through the rain. I made it to Cosby Knob Shelter at 5:20, soaked and hungry. Made myself some pasta and broccoli cream soup, but burned it. I think I know what went wrong, so I'll try again in the future and just prepare it differently. It has the potential to be very good.

I'm cold and tired, but I did my first 20 day. I can't wait to pick up my maildrop tomorrow. That's one thing that kept me motivated to make all those miles today. And I now know why so many hikers quit in the Smokies. I had fun in them, but I can't wait to get out tomorrow.

Total miles: 228

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Coon Cat! Sorry to hear your wet and cold but I think you have brighter days ahead! I sure hope your package made it to standing bear. It will be good to get clean and dry and resupplied! Are your feet getting used to the long miles? Did you walk with someone today? Love you Dan
